Deb Macintyre, a Shaman by birth, is an extraordinary spiritual guide with a rich heritage rooted in the ancient practices of Northern China, Tibet, Nepal, and India. With over 30 years of experience in coaching and mentoring across various sectors, Deb expertly bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual realms, enabling individuals to release limiting patterns and beliefs, ultimately fostering a deeper connection with their true selves.
As the founder of multiple successful businesses, Deb's unique background combines corporate acumen with extensive studies in psychology, neuroscience, Vedic philosophy, Ayurveda, psychotherapy, NLP, anthropology, and ancient history. She is also a gifted Jazz and Blues singer, infusing her deep understanding of sound, tone, and vibration into her work as a Shaman.
Deb's ancestral Shamanic lineage extends through her matriarchal line, having inherited her Grandmother's wisdom as a Nepalese Shaman from royal lineage. Today, she continues to share this ancient knowledge with others, ensuring the preservation of these sacred traditions for generations to come.
Raised in Western Australia and born in Kolkata, India, Deb's multicultural background is further enriched by her West African ancestry, a connection that has been reaffirmed by both DNA testing and ancestral communications. As part of her ongoing exploration of her lineage, Deb is deeply committed to uncovering new insights and sharing these teachings with the wider community.
As a mother of two successful adult children, Deb's warm and nurturing presence is evident in her approach to her work. She has collaborated with healthcare providers, corporate businesses, educational institutions, and community projects both locally and abroad, sharing her passion for empowering individuals to live inspired, fulfilling lives.
Deb Macintyre is a truly exceptional Shaman, seamlessly blending her vast knowledge and experience with a compassionate, holistic approach to healing. By combining her diverse skillset with her innate spiritual wisdom, Deb offers a unique pathway to personal transformation, guiding individuals towards a life of infinite possibilities and deep inner connection.