Sacred Space | by Pam McDonel | August 2024

Today, I would like to introduce you to the world of sacred space and why it’s important in your energy medicine work.

What is Sacred Space?

Sacred space is being fully present, creating a clear, open, energetic environment, grounded in a strong intention to listen without judgment, give advice, or offer to fix it. By holding sacred space we provide a safe, energetic environment for you to spiritually, physically, emotionally, or mentally journey through your experience.

My mission is to provide transformative healing and wellness to you as you walk in peace, happiness, and balance through this beautiful journey of life. We strengthen what is working rather than work with what we have been told is broken - We are not broken.

Ideas for creating your personal sacred space:

1. Decide what “sacred” means to you. What do you need to make a “spiritual” connection?

2. Dedicate a place in your home that can become sacred. It can be a room, on top of a table, a corner or wall, any place that feels sacred to you.

3. Create an alter with candles, flowers, pictures, incense like palo santo, sage, or frankincense, a comfortable chair or cushion to sit on, or other meaningful things to you.

4. Surround yourself with inspirational icons. Include quotes, books, plants, frequency minded music, and set your intention for the space.

5. Create a ritual. How will you honor your sacred space? Your ritual can include meditation, prayer, or just sit and enjoy the peace and quiet.

When you take a few minutes to honor your sacred space and be present in the moment, you invite peace and harmony into your home.

Pam McDonel

Pam is a practitioner in the subtle energies of the body. Her medicine bag blends traditional and alternative modalities with her natural intuitive abilities and gentle healing touch. Pam provides a safe sacred space to peel off the layers of pain, emotional stress, fatigue, and depression that no longer serve you.

Pam's intuition, training, and healing modalities guide and align her clients into selfpowerment. With ease and grace, change and transformation are activated as you recognize, navigate, and shift sabotaging patterns within the body-mind-spirit connection to achieve your highest potential. All sessions are tailored to each client’s specific needs and desired outcome.

Pam McDonel is trained in the following energy medicine techniques. Certified Sonic Meditation Facilitator with LTS (CSMF); Quantum Human Design™ Level 1; Shaman Energy Medicine Techniques; Reiki Master; Chakra Clearing, Balancing, & Resetting; Certified FYV Healing Coach; Author; Emotional Freedom Techniques; Licensed Massage/ Yomassage Therapist;


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