Do You See the Signs? | by Kirsti Pratt | September 2024

Are you witnessing the signs?

One of the most amazing things in this world is the constant signs we get sent to us of whether we are on the right path for us or not.

These signs can come in a number of ways… conversations with people, literal signs we see, messages from animals, numbers, messages from Mother Earth, and many other ways. Now, I understand some of this might sound a little woo-woo but just hang with me for a moment.

Developing this skill from within is POWERFUL because you are bringing the power back to yourself in what you see and hear. It's a matter of building that internal trust and allowing yourself to open those gifts within.

The first thing I teach my clients is to be open. If you believe this is impossible, you are right. Because if you start by being closed off, you won't allow yourself to see the subtle signs around you. When you start with asking for signs, you don’t want to start off with asking big questions because we want to make sure we build the muscle of trust and what we are hearing with the small questions so when we ask the big ones, we know what the signs look and feel like within our body.

The Practice

The first thing you want to do is in the morning, take 12 breaths with your hand on your heart. When you are performing these breaths, make your first ⅔ of the breath fill your belly, and the last ⅓ fill your chest. As you as performing these breaths with your hand on your heart, empty the mind. You can do this with an affirmation by saying you are open to receiving the messages you need to hear today or being more particular with the message you want to hear. You can also do a visualization of empty yourself and allowing yourself to be neutral and unattached to what messages you may see today.

These two things bring you into your heart center and help you be unattached to the answer. If you are too attached to the answer you want to hear, you will go looking for validation for that answer, which is why it is important to start with simple questions.

Once you have cleared yourself and performed your 12 heart-centered breaths, ask your question. I prefer to ask the question by stating, “Please show me in such an obvious way today about BLANK.” Then, allow yourself to be open to how that answer comes to you. Be open that it may not happen right away, or it may come in a metaphor. This isn’t about forcing but a deep surrender into receivership and trust.

The more you do this practice, the more you build internal trust and confidence in yourself and your decisions. When you use this daily with small questions, it becomes easier to ask big questions in your life, as you already have a deep connection with yourself.

If you want to go deeper on this topic or looking for support, you can follow me on Instagram, check out my website , or reach out to me at

Kirsti Pratt

Kirsti is a former World Class Athlete competing in the sport of American Ninja Warrior and Obstacle competitions. She found out as she rose to high success what true health and happiness mean after having a marriage fall apart and suffering GI issues, back pain, anxiety, and depression. Kirsti is a CHEK Practitioner Level 3 and has been coaching in the health and wellness field for almost a decade, taking and implementing a wide variety of certifications and working with some of the world's top health and wellness professionals. Kirsti's mission is to support her clients in creating a life they love without sacrificing their health.


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