What on Earth is Channeling? | by Lou Martin | August 2024

"Your world is an illusion" - Lazaris

"Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists." ACIM

"We are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience." -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (French priest and scientist)

What is Channeling?

Welcome to the last 37 years of my life on Earth…channeling is getting into a meditative or light trance state which, with practice you and your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, I Am Presence can help you to align with their deepest messages of love and truth, healing and wisdom, laughter and joy! It is a gift that you can learn to give to yourself. Which will help you grow and help others awaken to our truest nature.

In 1987, I was working in a Spiritual Metaphysical Bookstore in Santa Monica California. I met a good friend who told me that there's an energy that rests at the base of the spine called the Kundalini Energy, which with meditation can sometimes be opened and accelerate one's spiritual growth.

The first time I tried to do this with a fairly large piece of quartz crystal, I was guided in meditation to open my heart and send love to the universe. I felt a warmth at the base of my spine and soon enough a bolt of lightning-like energy heated my spine, shot up through my spine and out the top of my head and gave me a cosmic awakening that lasted for about a week afterwards.

All of this inspired me to study Near Death Experiences, the Reincarnation of the Dali Lama, and to meet and study with such amazingly enlightened Teachers as Drunvalo Melchizedek, Chief Standing Elk, Ram Dass, Deepak Chopra and Reverend Michael Beckwith while living in Los Angeles.

This lead me to study with channeled beings such as Dr Peebles, Lazaris, Bashar, The Council of Light, Merlin, Archangel Michael, and so very many others. and their teachers Summer Bacon, Natalie Gianelli, Thomas Jacobson, Barbara Marciniak, Daryl Anka, Gene Egedio, and lead me to learn to open to channel my Higher Self for over the last 35 years.

Of the 4 states of consciousness, Sleeping, Dreaming, Waking and Meditation...the last is the only one that you must intentionally focus to achieve, the others are natural, meditation is different and requires a bit of focus and practice. The more you practice it: either guided or open form, the more the conscious mind becomes obedient and receptive to surrendering to being the open door for your higher guides.

It's a joy! It's a hoot! It's humbling and humiliating (for the ego) and it's the single greatest way to speed up your journey home.

I opened to channel after a life-changing session with Susan Drew after taking a class for several months and practicing the techniques. We are all channeling the different sub-personalities of our ego/self and when we learn to listen, trust and follow our deeper inner guidance, the higher self, soul and spirit and our guides, teachers ancestors and friends in Spirit.

Guided Meditation For New Earth (directly below)




I offer daily live programs called Morning Prayers Monday-Thursday on my FB page, my Youtube Channel with nearly 300 interviews with other Teachers as well. Channeling has allowed me to do hundreds of one to one sessions, and classes and workshops throughout the US, Canada and Europe. I'm now based in West Cork Ireland and work online most days. If I can help you please let me know.

Peace and Blessings!

All My Love,


Lou Martin

Lou Martin, a true luminary in the realm of spirituality and consciousness, stands at the helm of the Awakened Spirit Network – a thriving platform that has touched countless lives through its message of love, unity, and transcendence. His journey began with a profound Kundalini awakening in 1987, an experience that set him on a path of devotion and service, ultimately leading to the creation of a vibrant community dedicated to the exploration of the Higher Self. As the heart and soul of the Awakened Spirit Network, Lou has forged deep connections within the spiritual community, providing a nurturing space where individuals can discover their inner wisdom and engage in transformative conversations.

His dedication to fostering indigenous leadership and championing collective action has empowered people from all walks of life to share their unique gifts and perspectives, elevating the collective consciousness and paving the way for a more awakened world. Lou's intellectual curiosity, coupled with his loving presence, has made him an indispensable figure in the realm of spiritual guidance. He effortlessly blends ancient wisdom with modern understanding, inviting others to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and awakening. In his presence, one can't help but feel a profound sense of connection and purpose, as he illuminates the path toward higher consciousness with his unwavering commitment to love and unity. With Lou Martin at the forefront, the Awakened Spirit Network continues to flourish as a beacon of hope and inspiration, offering a sanctuary for those seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment. His email is lightheart2018@gmail.com.


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