Sam Kukathas

London, UK

Sam Kukathas is a luminary guide for visionary leaders and CEOs seeking to unlock their boundless potential and profoundly impact humanity. He pioneers a fresh approach to personal development through Neuro-Resonance Optimisation™️, an innovative system designed to help leaders transcend emotional, mental, and energetic barriers that hinder their desired outcomes. With a unique blend of academic philosophy and experiential wisdom, Sam offers a personalized pathway for visionary leaders to break through limitations and embrace their innate brilliance. Recognized for his groundbreaking work, Sam was featured in USA Today's 2024 edition of "Disruptive Entrepreneurs in Business."

Sam has led transformative experiences for over 200 individuals in virtual settings and orchestrated live group sessions at leadership events and retreats in Cuba. He has guided business owners and entrepreneurs, driving revenue from nine figures down to passionate changemakers committed to shifting the global consciousness.

Sam's vocal alchemy serves as a conduit for divine wisdom and transformation at the cellular level. By employing his voice as an intuitive and divine instrument, he facilitates the creation of new realities and narratives for his clients. Sam's mastery of sound and resonance enables him to sculpt and mold energetic landscapes, allowing individuals to step into their highest potential and achieve profound personal and professional growth.

With Sam Kukathas as your visionary guide, embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and quantum transformation, unearthing your innate abilities to lead with clarity, purpose, and profound impact on the world.


Neuro Resonance Optimisation

Optimisation™️" is as a precision technique that utilises sound as a laser-like tool to identify and address issues at a cellular level within the body and nervous system.

This approach aims to remove blockages that prevent individuals from fulfilling their visions and achieving what they truly desire in life.

Divine Vocals and Recording:

Sam Kukathas

Music and Mixing:

Ian Morris For LTS

Album Info:

Being One: A Transformative Journey for Your Soul

Embark on a transcendent experience with Sam Kukathas' single "Being One," designed to inspire, drive focus, and foster a profound connection with the divine and your limitless potential. This unconventional meditation harnesses the power of Sam's vocal channeling, speaking directly to your soul and guiding you towards transformation.

1. Being One (639Hz Heart Chakra Frequency)

Immersed in a mid-tempo shamanic soundscape, "Being One" resonates at 639 Hz, the frequency of the heart chakra in the Solfeggio scale. This powerful sonic alchemy, combined with Frequency Minded music, invites listeners to awaken their inner wisdom and embrace the boundless energy of love, compassion, and oneness.

As a transformative leader in Neuro-Resonance Optimisation™️, Sam weaves his divinely inspired words and guidance throughout the track, offering a soul-stirring journey that dissolves energetic blocks and propels you forward. Allow "Being One" to serve as a beacon, illuminating your path towards a heart-centered existence and awakening your true potential.

2. Listen from Within (444Hz)

Delving deeper into the realm of transformative meditation, Sam Kukathas presents "Listen from Within," a powerful sonic exploration that combines the potency of 444 Hz frequency with divinely channeled guidance. This track invites listeners to tap into their inner wisdom and embrace the transformative power that resides within.

As you immerse yourself in this meditation experience, allow Sam's intuitive vocal guidance to connect with your soul and spirit, gently dissolving any energetic barriers that may hinder your growth. "Listen from Within" masterfully intertwines the healing vibrations of 444 Hz with Sam's insightful wisdom, providing a nourishing and empowering journey that inspires personal transformation and alignment with your highest purpose.

About this Album

This album is not just any album. The sound frequencies you hear were channeled from the source, designed to upgrade your cellular system and help you connect deeper to your purpose. These potent frequencies assist in overcoming stress, fear, and overwhelm, opening your heart, expanding love, and transmuting grief. They help clear inherited energy imprints, aligning with your unique blueprint to free yourself from constraints and create anew. Some tracks are guided, others have fewer words. Created from trust, surrender, and flow, this album channels words and frequencies in sync with Listening to Smile tracks, fulfilling their intended purpose.