Need Help Calming Down After a Hard Day? | by Dr. Rodney Russell | August 2024

In today's high-stress world, many of us find ourselves battling with anxiety, high blood pressure, and burnout. But what if there was a simple and effective way to calm down and reset your body without any medication or expensive treatments? At the Natural Healing Center, we believe in harnessing your body’s natural abilities to heal itself. Here’s a powerful technique you can start practicing today.

The 15-Minute Miracle: A Restorative Pose for Instant Calm

Step 1: Find Your Space

Allocate 15 minutes where you can be alone with no interruptions. Ensure the space is quiet (no TV, radio, or conversations). This is your time—protect it fiercely.

Step 2: Get Into Position

Lay on the floor with your feet up on a chair or couch, positioning your butt against the base of the furniture. You should resemble the shape of the letter "Z." Alternatively, you can lay on the floor with your legs straight up against the wall, forming an "L" shape. Close your eyes and place your arms beside you on the floor, palms facing up.

Step 3: Set Your Timer

Set a timer for 17 minutes to allow a couple of minutes to get situated comfortably. These extra minutes help you ease into the pose without any rush.

Step 4: Relax and Breathe

Let your mind be still. Don’t try to force it; relaxation will come naturally over time as you practice this exercise regularly. Focus on belly breathing. Breathe in and out slowly from the diaphragm, ensuring you are not breathing from your shoulders.

The Science Behind the Pose

This 15-minute restorative pose is equivalent to about an hour of deep REM sleep. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which induces the rest, relaxation, and repair phase where healing can occur. This pose helps decrease cortisol levels (the stress hormone), lower blood pressure, and promote a state of calm and well-being.

Real-Life Benefits

By incorporating this simple practice into your daily routine, you can begin to see significant improvements in your stress levels, blood pressure, and overall health. People who practice this technique report feeling more relaxed, focused, and energized—ready to tackle whatever life throws at them.

Transform Your Life

Today imagine going through your day with a sense of calm and peace, no matter how challenging it gets. This restorative pose can be the key to unlocking that potential. At the Natural Healing Center, we emphasize the importance of balancing mind, body, and spirit to achieve optimal health.

Take the first step towards wellness by booking a consultation with us today. Let’s uncover the root causes of your symptoms and empower your body to heal itself. Visit Natural Healing Center to schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone call and start your journey to restored health.

Share this article with friends and family who could benefit from this simple yet transformative practice. Let’s create a community of wellness together!

Dr. Rodney Russell

Dr. Rodney Russell stands as a transformative figure in Holistic and Functional Medicine, with nearly three decades of experience that extends beyond traditional medical practices. His innovative approach delves deep into the interplay of emotions, beliefs, and past traumas, viewing health as an intricate symphony of mind, body, and spirit. By integrating cutting-edge diagnostics, therapies, and energetic emotional techniques, Dr. Russell crafts personalized wellness narratives that empower individuals to reclaim their vitality and passion for life.

Educationally, Dr. Russell holds a BS in Human Anatomy and a Doctorate in Chiropractic from Parker University, complemented by his status as a Diplomate with the College of Physicians, a Certified Wellness Director, and a Fellow with the American Association of Integrative Medicine. Continuously pushing the boundaries of his field, he has specialized training in Genetic Testing & Interpretation, Applied Kinesiology, Body Integration Technique, Functional Medicine, Total Body Modification, and Neurological Organizational Technique.


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