The Day I Chose Self Love | by Mickel Pratt | August 2024

The Journey

In 2018 I weighed 250 pounds, suffered from anxiety, depression, GI issues, Migraines, and even rehearsed my own suicide. I had reached a breaking point in my life where everything just hurt.

One day in April, I chose to go for a nature walk, and on the walk I had a tough conversation with myself. I came to grips with the pain I was feeling, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. While coming face to face with my emotions, instead of suicidal thoughts, I asked myself why not try and improve your life with what I can authenticity control?

That Was a Game Changer for Me

For the first time I chose to take full responsibility over my life. This has been a process for a while now and I believe it will be a never ending one. I first started this process with getting my mind right. I started to go to therapy and work through my emotional trauma. I was able to see that I was searching for love and validation in others instead of myself. That would lead me into positions of people pleasing, and putting my own needs on the back burner. Putting my needs on the back burner is what got me to my rock bottom in the first place. I started setting boundaries with people and used more direct communication instead of beating around the bush. I started to be honest and vulnerable with myself when I had alone time, this helped me rebuild and strengthen my relationship with myself. I started saying no to things that authentically didn't feel good to do or be apart of, which left me with more time to love myself. I would practice mirror work, and recite positive affirmations to myself, building my confidence.

Next was making sure I was properly hydrated. That looked like cutting out all soda, energy drinks, sport drinks, and drinking quality water instead. This led to me losing fifteen pounds in a month, and having more sustained energy through the day. After that I started dialing in my diet by removing gluten, eating organic produce, and eating free range grass-fed meats. within five days of removing gluten from my diet, I noticed my headaches were less frequent through the day, and my anxiety levels were dropping. After two full weeks my GI inflammation was gone, my skin cleared up, I had no headaches, and I was finally able to positively think through my anxious moments. My confidence rose as I lost ten pounds in the first month of making those changes to my diet.

The decisions I made to work through my emotional baggage, and to show myself love by caring for my body and mind, I was able to lose 87 pounds, overcome suicidal thoughts, and neutralize anxiety. My own transformation of health and well-being was what led me into becoming a holistic practitioner. I was in some dark times and had so much pain going on in my life, yet I was able to overcome that darkness and build a life I love to live.

If I Can Do it, You Can Too

I hope you take the initiative to really get to know yourself, find out who you are, and start loving the parts of you that hold shame and guilt. Talk politely to yourself, and care for your body. I promise you won't regret it. If you are new to caring for yourself the most important note I can leave you with is to be gentle on yourself through the process. Allow yourself to be a beginner at loving yourself, you aren’t going to get it all right all the time. Give yourself grace to grow at the pace that you can handle. When you decide to take responsibility for your life, and start loving yourself, you unlock a new level of freedom.

Mickel Pratt

Mickel is a living example of a healthy transformation. He used to weigh 250lbs, suffered from depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and had bodily aches and pains all over. While implementing what he’s learned through his studies, he rebuilt his body and mind and reconnected to his soul to live the life he loves pain-free. Mickel is a licensed holistic practitioner through the CHEK Institute, and spent over two years mentoring with Paul Check. Mickel's mission is to help others cultivate more energy, consistency, and balance in their world, through diet and lifestyle management.


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