Communicating Through Frequency | by Will & Allison Brown | September 2024

Everything in our world is energy

The keyboard on which we type, the words we speak, the music we listen to, the food and water we take in…everything. This includes our pets, our ancestors, our spirit guides…they, too, hold an energetic frequency. And, because WE, as humans, also broadcast our own energetic frequency, we can learn to communicate—energy to energy—with any other frequency that surrounds us.

Understand Your Baseline

The first key to communicating via this energetic connection is understanding your own baseline frequency. Each morning, check in with your body. How does it feel? Is there any pain or discomfort? Do you feel anything unusual? Once you understand what your body typically feels like—your baseline—you will recognize any frequency that interacts with you…one that isn’t yours.

Explore Music & Self

Second, pay attention to how various frequencies feel when they interact with your body. Start with music. When you listen to a piece of music that moves you, where do you feel it? Does your body vibrate? Where? Do you feel or express emotion? How and where does the emotion surface? Learn to sense, or feel, various frequencies in your body.

Explore Nature & Self

Third, practice with other frequencies. Take a nature walk; place your body against a tree and sense into its energy. Notice any reaction in your body, no matter how small. Hold a crystal in your hand and see if you can feel into its vibration. Does your hand get warm or tingle? Pick up a puppy…do you feel emotion? Where is that sensation expressed?

Communication Without Words

A great deal of communication—particularly with non-human energies—takes place through clairsentience (clear feeling) or claircognizance (clear knowing), rather than directly through words. Therefore, learning to tap into bodily sensations is the foundation upon which you will begin to communicate. Before long, these feelings and sensations will evolve into a full-blown conversation!

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William & Allison Brown

Dr. Allison Brown is an award-winning author, educator, and quantum healer. In 2014, her search for reconciliation between a newfound spirituality and her traditional Christian upbringing led her on an amazing journey of self-discovery, detailed in her first book, The Journey Within.

William (Will) Brown is an internationally known, clear trance channel. Upon his awakening in 2014, he was introduced to his team of guides, who call themselves The Collective. Since that time, Will has lived his passion and purpose as a healer, teacher, and messenger, working with clients all over the world.

Allison and Will work together to help folks heal, discover, and awaken. Using complementary skills, they facilitate communication with their clients’ higher selves, spiritual guides, ancestors, and even pets!


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